Житель Краснодара Сергей Пархоменко смог оформить семейную ипотеку после обращения на прямую линию президента России Владимира Путина, которая состоялась 19 декабря
The main conceptual idea of the text is that a man in Krasnodar was able to obtain a family mortgage after directly appealing to President Putin about his inability to do so due to imposed limits.
Putin's response highlighted the removal of these limits as necessary, and called for the expansion of the family mortgage program to include secondary market properties. This action emphasizes the government's commitment to addressing roadblocks in accessing affordable housing and increasing availability of family mortgages.
The main conceptual idea of the text is that a man in Krasnodar was able to obtain a family mortgage after directly appealing to President Putin about his inability to do so due to imposed limits. Putin's response highlighted the removal of these limits as necessary, and called for the expansion of the family mortgage program to include secondary market properties. This action emphasizes the government's commitment to addressing roadblocks in accessing affordable housing and increasing availability of family mortgages.